The easiest way to immigrate to England in 2024 and obtain residence
England is one of the most modern and advanced countries that attracts many immigrants every year. Especially the city of London, which is the capital of England, has become the target of many immigrants. But how and in what way can you immigrate to England and what conditions are faced by immigrants is the question of many of you applicants to immigrate to England, which we will answer in this article. How We answered them all.
In general, you can immigrate to England in the following ways:
- Educational migration to England
- Work migration to England
- Investment migration
- Immigrate to England through marriage
- Immigration to England by birth
1. Educational migration to England

Maybe you, like thousands of other students, are looking to study in England and want to know how to study in this country. To study in England, you must first be accepted by an institution or a university. After acceptance, you can apply for your UK study visa. But before that for visa You should know that the UK study visa is known as Tier 4 visa and it is divided into two categories. For your visa, you can use one of these two Tier4 General and Tier4 Child visas. But to whom do these two visas belong and which one should you choose for your immigration?
Well, if your child is over 17 years and six months old, you can use the general visa to immigrate to England, and if you are younger than this age, you can use the Tier 4 child visa to immigrate to England. So easily! But remember that you must always be fluent in English. Consider this law more for yourself, because you will definitely need it to understand your education in the classrooms. Well, you should not forget about admission to a university, college or institute. The time to apply for your visa is three months before the start of your academic year. You have to go to the British Embassy and apply for your visa. Three weeks later, you go to the embassy again to get the answer to your visa.
Costs of study migration to England in 2024
Regarding your expenses, we must say that a part of your expenses will be collected by the embassy, which is about 328 pounds. The cost of insurance is one of those costs that you have to pay. Before you go to the embassy, bring the desired amount with you. If you apply online for your UK student visa, you have to pay the fees by credit cards and wait for about thirty minutes.
Be sure to bring the CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies) you received from the institution or university of your choice. Note that this letter will be valid for six months and will expire after this date.
2. Immigration to England through work

Well, now let’s go to work migration to England. Business migration to England is one of the methods that opens the path of staying in England for you. In order to immigrate to England through work, you need a Tier 2 visa, which you can get very easily depending on the conditions. But what are these conditions and under what conditions can applicants obtain a British work visa for their immigration?
Your employer in England should send you an invitation letter. Keep in mind that if you are immigrating to England from a country that is not part of the European Union, you will be subject to special rules (from the British Labor and Immigration Department). For example, you can’t go to England just for a normal job. Your job must be specialized. The employer who sends you a job offer must have permission from the UK Labor Office to hire you.
To obtain a work visa to England, you must apply three months before starting work in this country. After three weeks, your request will be answered as usual. If you passed all the steps well and got the UK work visa, you should know that your visa is valid for five years and 14 days. If you need to extend your visa, you can easily extend your visa again after this period.
3. Immigration through investment to England

England is a good choice for investment due to its high stability in the economic field, which also leads to permanent residence for you. But how can you invest in a country like England? What are the ways to invest in England?
In order to invest in a country like England you need two million pounds and more. You can also invest through ways such as investing in government bonds, investing through corporate loans, or investing through mutual funds. Keep in mind that the United Kingdom does not include investment through the purchase of property in its investment immigration program, so you cannot choose this method for investing in the United Kingdom.
Regarding residence, we must say that methods such as entrepreneurship and start-up lead to residence in this country. But if you choose the stock market for your investment, you should know that you cannot get a permanent residence in England by relying only on this method. However, an investment of two million pounds can lead to permanent residence in England after a few years.
4. Marriage migration to England

Marriage is another way to immigrate to England, which can lead you to stay in this country depending on the circumstances. First, you should know that your age is important for marriage in England and you must be at least 18 years old. Second, the person you chose to marry must be English. A normal personality with a positive attitude is another condition that is considered. For example, you should not have any bad history and you should not have committed a crime. In addition to all these conditions, you must be eligible to live in England and be at a favorable level culturally, economically (England is one of the most expensive countries in the world), socially and legally, and be able to speak English like a foreign language. Speak your own mother tongue.
Spouse’s residence is another thing that is taken into consideration. Your spouse must be a permanent resident. The British government should not have set a date for your wife to leave the country. Wife’s income is important and is taken into consideration. For example, your spouse’s income should cover the cost of living in England for both of you.
Well, now that you understand the conditions of marriage in England, you may have this question: where should we start to immigrate to England through marriage? What should we do and what visa do we need?
If you have studied all the above conditions well and are eligible to get married in England, you can do your immigration work little by little. You need a UK marriage visa to get married in the UK. The validity of UK marriage visa is six months to two and a half years. It means that you will be allowed to stay in this country for six months from the side of the British government to get legally married. The cost of the visa is 95 pounds.
What should we do to get permanent residence in England through marriage immigration?
If your life partner is a person with British citizenship, in addition to the fact that you will be granted six to two and a half years of residence, British citizenship will also be included in your status. This is if you are married. You cannot get British citizenship in the state of engagement.
If your partner does not have UK citizenship and has only received his permanent residence, the situation will be slightly different. In such a situation, you must have spent five years in England and lived with your spouse so that you can obtain permanent residence in England. A series of conditions and rules will be given to you, if you follow them, your permanent residence will become British citizenship.
For example, you must not have violated the laws of England in any way and you must not have been outside England for more than ninety days in the previous year. Pay attention that you should not leave the UK for more than 270 days three years before you apply for citizenship.
5. Immigrate to England after the birth of a child

The birth of a child is another way to immigrate to England, which is more popular with parents who want to give birth to their child in England. Immigrating to England due to the birth of a child has conditions that you must follow. For example, you should know that the system of obtaining citizenship for children who are born in England is based on the home (of course, the children were granted citizenship based on the land system, but now the laws are different). But what is the system of citizenship of a child based on blood and what are its conditions?
The system of citizenship of a child based on blood means that at least one of the parents must have the citizenship of the UK so that the citizenship of this country will be given to the child who is born in the UK. Of course, if the citizenship of the child’s parents is not clear, the British citizenship will still be included in this child’s status. But for how long? Until the person reaches the age of eighteen. After that, the British government does not accept responsibility for the citizenship of the child.
Immigrate to Germany Along with emigrating to England, it is one of the most popular destinations for those who intend to immigrate. If you are one of those who are planning to immigrate to Europe and England, you can choose England as your destination. So far, you have become familiar with the ways to immigrate to England through marriage, birth of a child, investment, work and education, and you have also obtained information about the conditions of each type of immigration, so that you can easily immigrate to England.